Friday, July 17, 2009

Egyptian Chameleons are still alive and well.

I like condensed milk, therefore I like Exodus 1 as it takes about 200 years down to one chapter. If I do some extrapolation I reckon we could have made the whole bible just 30 chapters: much easier reading! Just kidding - I'm at home with a tome - but the Egyptians seem to prefer their Hebrews in small chunks. Not literally of course (although maybe one or two became salty snacks), but when Israel grows into a large nation the Egyptians feel seriously threatened. I guess they went to bed feeding a Maltese Poodle and woke up staring at a Rottweiler, so they decided it would be best to put the new pooch in a cage. The Israelites soon found themselves enslaved and heavily persecuted as their Egyptian masters tried to manage the threat they perceived them to be.

It's amazing how quickly people change: Friends one day, enemies the next........

1 comment:

  1. I left this comment a few days ago, but just noticed that it didn't stick...

    Was just thinking that Paul complained about us christians still drinking milk, maybe we should at least be reading chapters like Exodus 1 for some condensed milk? I guess that would make this post fudge...200 years boiled down to 11 lines?
