Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bells, Smells and lots of blood: Altars. Exodus 25 - 31.

Altar = From Latin word for 'high', an elevated place where people perform religious ceremonies. I checked it out as God seems to take it pretty seriously in the laws he hands out to Moses and the crew. Amongst all these verses of seemingly weird rituals (I was going to comment on each one but decided to punch myself in the head instead), what struck me the most was the holiness of the altar. In some cases the altar remains holy for 7 days and whoever touches it is instantly made holy too.

So what is holy, and where is our altar? It got me thinking about what we desire most (what we "hold high"), as that's probably our altar. If you get to touch that altar, what do you become?


  1. I get what you mean. At times we create our own "holy Altars" and we hold on to the idea of those "altars" eventually settings us apart...and being the key to all that we desire. I personally struggle with that thought all the time.

    I'd love to say that God is my altar, and that touching Him can make me become that person that I always dreamof becoming. But that's not always the case as I get distracted by all the other altars in my live that seem to glow and look a little prittier than the most beneficial one.

  2. Check out Rob Bell's sermon (first in August) where he talks about Jerusalem being the centre of the Jewish world vs EVERYWHERE being the centre of God's world since Jesus came. No more altar in Jerusalem - only God's presence wherever we take him. ie. Split world view vs singular world view. Nothing is sacred vs profane any more. All things are sacred.

    I like your point, though, about our altars being the things we raise up.
